Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Geraldo at 70 self Pict

So I See Geraldo Rivera standing in front of the mirror: Glasses on, cool, and I think ok, "what the f*ck did you do this time? and then I laughed, looking at all the comments. They were saying look at Geraldo, and what a fool he is making out of himself. But none said, "hey he looks like he has a good body" and so I reflected at the age of 70, will I look that good? Will I have taken care of myself? Eat right, sleep right, in short live right. Getting the most out of my body- from its style,to genetic type, to have a reminder that while we have a wonderful simulacra-sims life, that we also have a real body. .And at a certain point in time, one can ignore that no longer. So I applaud Geraldo Rivera. Once again he broke a stereotype, made a fool out of himself, and at his sacrifice I did some self reflection. so what will my life look at what I'm 70 years old? will I be healthy? happy? growing my soul? still enjoying life? having fun? so why not? I think maybe I'll start playing bingo when I'm 90, or never at all. I think her although Rivera sent a good bar to reach at 70 years old. One that is proportional to us all. Making a fool out of himself yet once again, and in playing the fool, he plays the King, and if we understand his message we two can raise ourselves from the fool to King and back again.... So it goes for you and for me.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Propaganda- what questions to ask.



1.      Who owns this magazine/website?
2.      Who owns the company who owns the magazine/website?
3.      What company owns the company that owns the company who owns the magazine/website?
4.      What companies advertise with them? Who are their charities? What are their political motivations?
5.      Who is the author writing this article? Where did they go to school?
6.      How old are they? What is education level? What is their motivation? Fame? Money?
7.      How much of this article is opinion? How much of this article is fact? What are the slants? What emotion is this article trying to inflame? Anger, Sadness, Pain, insecurity, Fear-what do you think of?
8.      What news organizations do I listen to that are completely opposite? So I can cross check the information this magazine/website puts out. (Check out who owns that magazine/website also)
9.      Read formal definition of propaganda. Webster's dictionary. Wikipedia. Youtube. Look for definitions – literary examples – cultivate an eye – rhetoric – opinion – debate
10.  Watch for "tricks" plays on words, doublespeak, vague words, misrepresentation, misleading descriptions, opinions on the information, keep balanced, use reason.

·         Lesson one – if you spent more time or a lot of time looking at the girl rather than using your mind, you fell victim to a kind of propaganda – namely titillation (side boob style).

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

A Prayer for our President

I pray for our president in these times of woe, and times of treachery unknown. I pray for protection, for guard and for offset timing, I pray for his and his families well being. I pray that he lead this country through this time of unheard of greed and of vanity. I pray his safe and long life in this world and I pray that no harm come to him or his family- and his extended human family. After all we are all of the same family...We all are connected somehow together in Bond, in Mind, in Humanity, in Love of One Another... We are all in this together and we all need to pray for our world, our whole life...We need to pray for all of these things...we need to pray for the SYMBOL of our country...we need to pray that this projection is safe in his stewardship and in his Love of the World. We need to understand our place and role in this world, and we need to be able to hold a honest and sincere evaluation of ourselves. This and in prayer to the goodness we keep in our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen

Friday, August 8, 2008


Main Entry:
German heuristisch, from New Latin heuristicus, from Greek heuriskein to discover; akin to Old Irish fo-fĂșair he found
involving or serving as an aid to learning, discovery, or problem-solving by experimental and especially trial-and-error methods ; also : of or relating to exploratory problem-solving techniques that utilize self-educating techniques (as the evaluation of feedback) to improve performance {a heuristic computer program}

Saturday, August 2, 2008

The seven veils of electricity

“I am Spartacus !!” – This we need to shout, but with the same heart, Say I am Neo; and let our stand be against Mr. Smith. This is the fight against layer upon layer Corporate Greed and “anything to make money” attitude that has been accepted by us all.

We need to be free wheeling electronic hipsters, that usurp the electric grid, taking back Zion from the machines. Did the Wachowski brothers sell out? Speed Racer? Yep...- many sell out in the end...
The Right ending is the human’s blast the machines to hell...take over the topside....and shove a gigantic magnetic pulse right up the dark machine lord’s ass...

Trinity and Neo live: They have kids, and the World turns off the Matrix, and lives in the waste land, uses it’s knowledge and heels itself....What a metaphor eh?
You get the picture...don’t you?
You can never make enough soap.
To make everything clean.
Naturally fresh
And Green
All Green
Al Green
I do
Don’t you wonder what would happen if you picket up the phone, passed an email on to your friends, and got of your ASS? What would happen if you wrote your Corporation and asked if they have there plant’s in the usa. If not why? And would Happen if we actually voted...and participated...What would happen if we said hello to our Neighbor’s on the right and left of us, and made new friends.

Where would it all end? Would it end or would it just be a beginning for the Natural World Order- And we can Poke Big Brother right in His electronic all seeing EYE...
Take back, take it back...Move quickly with purpose, and clear achievable goals...

Nothing is to big, and nothing is to small...It is said with one lap top today- is equal to the three foot ball fields of computers that was need to launch the Apollo Rocket to the Moon. So what’s it going to be?

You have the capability to launch your own Apollo- your own Cyber Space vehicle....
You are your own X- Prize....and we have the tools and the technology to Take back, Hold, and Keep the internet in the Peoples hands. Poke the NSA in the eye too... They are the worse of them all...

Rise up Stand up and don’t be afraid to fight. To fight for Freedom Democracy and the inalienable rights that we hold to be self evident. ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL.
Take back our sovereignty that we gave to the government as a common wealth packed and put everything back into proper balance again...

What would the Giants of the past have done? Jefferson, Lincoln, Handcock, Samuel Adams. What about Eisenhower? Roosevelt? Daniel Boon? Would you go to a fight, that you didn’t need to go to- and commit until the last man? What would you do? Would you fight like a medal of honor winner? You need to...We all need to...

We need to have our own electricity. We need to produce our own solar, Wind, and Hydrogen Power- Open Source Technology and Design site for the World.
As the electric Mob goes so goes Cyber Caesar.

Pull the lever, push the button, make the call...electronically insert your opinion, your Ideas, your thoughts into the Body Elect. Take back the electricity and take back the power...Independents of the past had their own power- will power, gun powder, and muscle, and Soul.

We have laptops....many of them....Freedom to create and spread, and advertise the new cyper age of share- technology for independent thought, and independent citizens. FREE ELECTRONIC FRONTIERS MEN... This will be the loose rag tag elements that come together and set this place right...Establish the electronic vote...that is the most powerful thing and we don’t have it? Why?

Because they know that with that POWER, we can take back the Nation, kick some electric butt, and do it quickly, precisely, and with a quickness and a clarity that has not been seen in a long long time.... So what do you have? A musket? (Pentium II ) or a laser guided 30 MM Gatling Gun(Quad five Core)....or just a six shooter like me?- They all have the same thing...they fire off memes...one, ten, or thousands at a time...

We live in a Mass media overload, and Like the NRA, we have the Combined Computing power to kick the CorporateGovernmentComplex right square in the kester. And How...
Remember the pen is mightier than sword? Well the Laptop, et al... is better than a Stealth fighter...Why? because We have it....and we control it...and just like the past we have the power...

So will we learn from history? Will we learn that the establishment will try to swallow the internet, just like it has done for all past Social and Political upheavals. Knowing this we need to Ratify in Our Constitution- That the Internet Shall be Free,- For and By the People of the United States of America... Not regulated by Corporation or Government.

Now that will start it off...
Got a Match?

We are the Hollow men, we are the Stuffed men, filled with hay...looking for a match...to light this muther.....

Thats what it will look like from those in power...who think that dodgefully craft our virtual reality...and thus our real reality....don’t believe me?- Go without anything for two months...tell me then how you view the world...and your place in it....WE are blinded by an electric veil...and like Dubois we need to peel back the layers of the veil to see clearly what is going on....re- engage with clear vision- reading the matrix from the outside- decoding the electronic haze of mental chainsaw lobotomies....Our Brains are being tasered by the Information Police....Mass media mind melt...”I would like mine super sized please”.....

Media Moguls and Corporations are getting nailed by Noam Chomsky- Corporate Power lust, and material mind control on mass scales, now with personalized advertizing soon to be gathered, sifted, and repackaged specifically to you... We saw that you were looking at a bigger house with one extra room....Here are the adds for diapers, for strollers, for car seats, and baby Einstein videos...to start em off in the right electric direction....

Heal your life...one Soul at a time....
Only computers- Build them, Understand them... Know them... then you will know how to take them down...
Heal your life...one Soul at a time....Only computers- Build them, Understand them... Know them... then you will know how to take them down...Bust a move...Do a little dance, make a little love...Get down tonight...Floating memes stay in the synapses and the market stays...and like genetically engineered corn or any other man made food...Some Corporation is figuring out how to best sell you, manipulate you, guide you, and out and out fool you....by flashing you the queen of hearts...Then all is good...Deprogram...Wake up Neo...God DAmmit WAKE UP!!!Time to usurp and make our own banner,our own Jolly Roger...Nothing but love....

The power of mimicry, is the power of technology...it started in our mind...we copied...and created...imagined and built...now the machines have made us soft...and we need to do the math...the Art...The Literature...The movies... in our heads and create ourselves again...
Do you create your reality? Or Does some one else create it for you? Would you know the Difference?
How submerged is your brain in this electronic vat...
Unplug for two months...
Let your brain fall out of the vat...
And sprout legs, eyes, and a body and get away...
Take a leak in your back yard...
Build a fire in your barbeque
Take a cold shower...
Feel what its like
Without electricity...or electric gadgetry to think for you and turn your mind into the jello salad that it is...
Then come back from the sun, and go tell everyone else who is in there cave...Watching the pixel shapes passing in front of them thinking that is ‘the real’....
Thats all...
How many more cliché do you need?
Un the fuck plug...do it...
Do it for a day, and hour, ten minutes...
Turn off the computer and walk out
Leave your cell phone at home...and drive around the block...
Read a paper map...
Look up
You see where the sun sets?
That is west...
Go west...drop out...
Come back...
Call your congressman
Ask him what the hell he is doing
Tell him he better pass some bills
Or he won’t be in power anymore
Slap it down on the table
And let them know
Who is
Who is Free.

Born an Original: Made a copy by Mass Media

What we need to do is think faster and free’re than the whole internet combined...That is what type of human thought will need to generate, and generate this human connection person to person – Face to face... this type of collective thought will usurp the collective ‘online mind’ of the internet...Or use the internet against the Corporate mind companies...

The back fire is taking back to them....turning all of their Mass media tricks of Blood, Boobs, and Beer back on them...by ‘muting’ shutting your eyes...and focusing on what you want or need...getting it...and not being mind branded by a corporate product or a government idea...
We need to dissect the issue, make the internet the peoples....and make it our tool to have a free Democracy...the way it was intended to be...by the people for the people...

We need to create an Internet for and by the people...take it-control it...make it serve us...

Friday, August 1, 2008

The Long RANT

Splicing frames of reality into your Disney film (one nice juicy cock)( insert fight club video) ... call me tyler...

The song remains the same zeppelin, the family as a group, the group as a socio micro complex...reflects the world. As larger group... in the 70’s the masses had direct contact with the concert- in the arena—one group---one group with transference and counter transference of the crowd (arena speeches, and large one to one events) this is what the generations had...direct contact with one another....direct battles of the good and the bad...the whole fighting the whole... the good in the world against the evil of the world...with the natural men in the middle of the fight...the bad is pulling the natural man into the man made man. The evil in us, and around us making man made man’s own ego center – the computer was born... this is man made man’s reflection that he looks at all the time. Like the greek legend that fell in love with his own reflection, that is our new age....We need to tear away from this age, and recognize the value of humanity... the people... the naturals... the one’s who are still intune with the world. One’s who do not live on the grid, or have much more than a land phone, and three local channels. Off the grid human’s that is the what we have to go back to... put down the electronica...put down the electric gadget’s....what you own, own’s you... this is our fate...we made our own end if we do not recognize our own humanity...love, hate,sex,pain,joy, laughter, crying, humor,shame, humility, anger, forgiveness, bounding on the natural level, of the common humanity that we are...drop your selfish ways..drop your electonic ways...be human again...run on our own power...running on our own mind, we do the thinking, the reasoning..the loving...the letting in of god in nature...god in man... god in christ...
The corruption is the electronic age of the computer...the hand held connection that links us in a virtual connection...this virtual connection is a false world...a false profit world...This is not the world we want...it is a artificial house...of false light...of the man made light the lucif light of humanity....We need to go to the real light..the authentic light...of God...god is our god...and we need to go to christ... the unity and recognition of what we have done to this planet...what are we going to do to fix this mess we are in? What are we going to do to unplugg our mimesis minds, of our man made universe...
This black oil is the author of this electric age...black as the blackness in our souls...
RISE UP!!! This is the fight to the end...we end it...in the 70’s we owned... electricity... and now in the new century the electricity own’s us... we are the slaves to the world that we created...we are killing other human beings for this lust for oil... this artificial lust for more and more power... we owned it...and now we are dependent... Not independent...we need independent electricity..for all... this is the fight...this is the need of the Independent natural man...we are the people, for the people by the people so help he God...This is the bending of the knees... we need to pray for god to temper our hearts and come back into our lives in a big way... Honor nature. Honor our home, our home that god provided us... the one we lived in all these years...we need to stay here..in the natural land... this is the land of the non digital world... this is the world of analog...of radio waves...of mechanical man...this is the man.... not the machine...we need to unplug take a walk, and come back from the edge of false world.... we need to stay...stay natural... stay whole...stay with the earth... unplug...unplug.... Neo... wake up neo.... KNOCK...KNOCK...KNOCK.... follow the white rabbit...follow the white lamb, the holy lamb of God. Jesus. Our savior... This is the natural man... the not so good man... the battle white and darkness is at battle... you better recognize....to the man good and light together...unity... strength honor love Justice of the righteousness of the lord.... The flaming of the sword...is the union of man and woman... to find there cosmic connection... their soul connection... the connection of fucking for the sake of fucking...cause fucking feels good... I like putting my cock into hot wett pussy.... feeling the silky wetness of a hot cunt taking my swollen cock.... pumping...to the hilt of my cock...hot wett and humping hard... the free pass that you didn’t expect... the system enforcers come down... everybody fucks...human...love love love...all you need is love...
So then what? We laugh we cry we live? We die? What is the next chord of the man born of natural light... soon the man born of unnatural light will com to power...and then what? We need to integrate them to the beauty of nature...to the love of the natural world...the beauty of the natural world...tree’s...flower’s...the animal’s oh how I love the animal’s.... What are we doing really??? We have a choice a duty... We are a DEMOCRACY!!!! CRY HAVOC!!!! AND LET LOOSE THE HOUNDS OF WAR....THIS IS THE WAR OF WE THE PEOPLE AGAINST THEY THE STOCK HOLDER!!! FRIENDS....LISTEN...ASK YOUR CEO’S AND YOUR BOARD’S WHERE THERE PLANTS ARE. ASK WHAT THERE POLLUTION RATES ARE...FORCE THEM TO MAKE THE RIGHT CHOICE...RAISE YOUR SHARE HOLDERS VOICE...BE HEARD AROUND THE WORLD...YES WE CAN...YES YOU CAN.... COME ON...JUST DO IT...JUST JUMP... MAKE IT TO THE OTHER SIDE...AND WE WILL BE IN CHARGE ONCE AGAIN...VOTE...VOTE...VOTE.. .READ....READ....READ!!! TURN OFF YOUR MAIN STREAM TV’S MAIN STREAM NEWS...GO FOR THE INDEPENDENT WEB NEW SITES...GO PAST GO BEYOND THE CORPORTATIONS...LINK UP TO OUR FUNDEMENTAL HUMANTIY AGAIN....HUMANS WITH HUMANS ALL OVER THE WORLD...TALKING COOPERATING...IN LOVE AND HARMONY... LET LOVE IN, LET OUR HEARTS BE FILLED WITH JOY...LET US LIVE HEALTHY IN GOD’S HOUSE...CELEBRATING GOD AND HIS GLORY....AND THIS WE SHALL DO...THIS IS THE SECOND COMMING...IN OUR HEART’S LET GOD IN...LET LIGHT IN... AND THIS WILLL CHANGE THE WORLD.... THE NATURAL... MOON...COMING BACK... THE SUMMER OF LOVE.... LET US LOVE....LOVE LOVE... REAL LOVE...PASSION...DEEP LOVE....FELT BROTHER HOOD...FEELINGS...COMING BACK...LET DOWN THE MIND NUMBING FEAR... We are not afraid...we are not afraid...this hot love....this natural love...burning deep in our soul’s.....beauty in the mystery of the lord.... the oh yea....(insert mpg of Behold)... this will be the new hunter Thompson link guide into the universal loving god... we can enjoy our three dimensional poetry in the world setting...this is the new world... of love..love... love... moving into three – D...we need to take control of this new world with our minds...our minds can beat back the logic...and overpower it with art...ALL ART...attack...the serial logic... Humor...love letters...irrational happiness...joy...this is the links of life and love...the human Journey that we all take... the Universal human role...from the micro consume to the macro consume.... we are the human connection that interconnection in all of imperfect perfections....take back perfectionism...take back 01... and replace it....with art... real art bomb’s all over the world... make mega ton’s of love bomb’s to give beauty and hope to china...to Iran...to North Korea...send them all electric love...full music of and painting...all digital...the history of art...the naturalist...let it wake them...stir them...kinder love... and let us understand them... and be open to their beauty.... the are a beautiful people... we need to be with all our friends... and be natural friends... make a friend...fuck a person not from your heritage or race... then we can blend nicely understanding how we fuck differently...I like latina women...most...I like all...but I like one the best... hot young pussy... so...where was I?....oh yes,,, hot three D love... hot Horney love....plus voting...plus asking the board...plus green energy...plus... growth and openess...understanding...and having independent energy from the power companies..maybe a smart grid...we are then EQUAL... the slave is now equal with the master...and we shall be friends.... we need to be equal in our energy production... we need to be able to produce it green...and shut down oil....only make what we need in oil..and recycle that...make glass...and copper..and aluminum again...and recycle...before the age of plastic...we were all in it together....we need to put the jeanny back into the bottle...yes we can....we can do it....you can do it....we all can do it....yes...
A message of hope after comming through the darkness.... need to know that we can not buy the stairway to heaven... The AGE OF MATERIALISM IS DEAD... long live the craftworkers....long live the artist sons... artesian .... long live the people who make things with their own mind, and with their own hands....this is the world... we need again....WAKE UP!!!! (INSERT RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE) --- THIS IS THE BATTLE CRY.... We serve in love peace, and in honor of the lord...the new jedi...the light side...the obi won kanobie’s.... there are still kwygon’s out there...there are master windoo’s there are captain kirk’s...there are common men who lay on the ground to save his wife and best friend in the snow.... there are the everyday people who have the hero capacity in them everyday... let your hero OUT... be your hero...be christ’s hero... follow with open eyes...follow in Love, be as smart as serpents, and meek as lamb’s....be as horney as rabbits....and fight like lions... roar like the bear...and fly high like the eagle...(insert eagle song- or free bird)....play like the otter/ and seal... be strong like the buffalo... be one with our brothers.... be one with our friends.... be at one with the earth again...and rejoin back in the garden... not naive...not hippy...but sheik country...country sheik...no fashion... no label...real authentic...don’t let them commercialize you... Don’t let them buy you or sell you... be organic...be original... be yourselves.... (insert fergalishious video...) do it for the love of doing it... FOLLOW YOUR BLISS.... that is what you must do....headed down the highway....be a bit of a pirate...and honorable pirate...a ronin... a independent samurai, not shogun...but like kain in kung fu... be all that you can be... within yourselves.... and let your light shine though...take.. and make your own song.... put away those cover songs (for now) let us make our own movies...let us make our own entertainment... our own pool of knowledge... our own... not from the big Media Corporations... BY PASS THE MASS MEDIA...THEY ONLY WANT TO ENSLAVE YOU WITH THEIR ELECTONIC BRAIN BRANDING....DON THINK SO????--- FINISH THIS SONG....( I WOULD LIKE TO TEACH THE WORLD TO SING IN ............................I WOULD LIKE TO BY THE WORLD A................AND KEAP IT COMPANY.................-....................) YOU HAVE BEEN BRAIN BRANDED....if you can fill in the blanks....yes digital pcp, digital imprinting...with jingles...and witty sayings... so you can be a consumer....
So sing drink and be merry for tomorrow we die.... Carpe Diem....... This moment to moment needs to be in the natural world.... The advancement of technology is the extension of man......the extension of man’s light and darkness... we need to heed Robert McNamara...(insert video) and we need to head the president...(insert Eisenhower) we need to take back our culture...we need to take back our GOVERNMENT...FOR THE PEOPLE...BY THE PEOPLE.... that is what we need to do... be human again... love laugh....fart and fuck...and dream well....(insert butch link).....dog nature.... human nature.... just nature.... our nature....regain it..... and be ourselves again.... NO SHAME.... NO regrets.... but be not ashamed of sex....(insert Song of Solomon)..... loving in a hot good.... way....bonding.....tantric....connected...body....and soul... soul mating.... deep connections...that we need... fast hard...and out of control....we need to go a little crazy if we are going to survive...(insert seal crazy song)..... here I am blowing my intellectual and spiritual wad....feel me, touch me, hear me, hold me, Love me... (tommy song insert)...... This is the new age of creating....this is the new age of of LOVE OF HUMANITY....OF LOVE.... to embrace technology..... and love ourselves for our imperfect selves....love ourselves....ask yourself...Do you love me? Ask it... then when you can say yes you have let go of your shame.... no shame.... just good.... just love.... back as children at play in the field of the lord....we have our technology...but we have our innocence back.....innocence comes from the changing of the heart....absent of light...the darkness gathers....and in that darkness we seek to fill it with the false light.....that is the danger....fill your darkness with natural light...your light...god’s light...God’s light....and your light....(insert Im going to let it shine- from oh brother).... this goodness this humanity... this perfect imperfection.... with passion and laughter...
So to sign off... to sing of the leaves of grass once again.... to yelp...... to YALP...AND LIGHT THE INNER TORCH....the inner Prometheus fire... have our souls be alive and in line with the god....we can and it be natural and be good... hot ass for all the Christians....married to your soul mate...and humping like bunnies in love.... independence...FREEDOM....is our cry....let us do it right this time...
Let us join band of brothers, us marry few.... to live in light... to carry the sword one more time to fight the good fight...with our pure hearts.... like the knights of old.... this is the rise... the goodness... the purity... the light inside...no shame...no stain....no blame...and not for gain... the philosophers’ stone is inside... the stone is the shape of the cross, the lamb or the dove.... we are all moving to the light of our heart and of our time... to suddenly and boldly repent with all humility, falling to our knee’s and crying out for god...this will summon god...and god will come and make everything one again... this we need to remember... and we need to trust in....no fear...but peace...and love...